InfraRed Capital Partners Limited, London


Stone Ticket was engaged by InfraRed Capital Partners (”InfraRed”) in January 2020, to relocate the company to their new Head Office at One Bartholomew over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend; and then to clear their old office of redundant furniture and IT. However, Covid-19 was to put paid to weeks of planning.

In all that we do, one of our key project constants is that change is inevitable, and we must be ready to adapt to bumps in the project landscape – be it programme, scope…. or global pandemic!

Working with our client to interpret the changing Government guidance, a revised plan was agreed and delivered by Stone Ticket and its contractors, whilst ensuring the safety of our staff, our contractors as well as client colleagues and all those that we came into contact with, such as security, Facilities teams and loading bay managers.

The new phased plan allowed InfraRed colleagues to pack up safely so that Stone Ticket could carry out the move of personal and Team storage, IT and AV as well as a considerable amount of furniture, as originally planned.

In addition, we carried out the delivery and installation of donated redundant furniture items to some of InfraRed’s infrastructure investment projects – schools, police stations and hospitals. Stone Ticket also facilitated the donation of 3 almost-new phone booths to NHS St Georges, Tooting, for their new staff welfare area.

Finally, the clearance of unwanted, redundant furniture was completed, with all items broken down into their component parts – wood, metal, plastic and glass, and responsibly recycled to ensure zero to landfill.

As part of the building clearance, a considerable amount of WEEE waste was collected and hard drives and old phones shredded with data securely destroyed; and 750kg of batteries, from a redundant UPS, disposed of by our WEEE contractor.

On the face of it, back in January 2020, the relocation of InfraRed was a straightforward one. Global pandemic challenged that view, ensuring Stone Ticket delivered on its promise to be flexible in its planning and delivery, to the same successful end. Our client was very pleased with everything that Stone Ticket managed for them and is pleased to provide the following testimonial:

“It has been a pleasure working with Stone Ticket and Guy Bradshaw. Our original relocation and furniture disposal plans changed quite dramatically as soon as the COVID pandemic erupted. Guy was extremely flexible in accommodating our evolving requirements. He took care of everything in a calm and efficient manner, and with the chosen relocation specialist, went beyond the call of duty to see the project to completion. I couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome and would happily recommend them.”

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